I am so sorry that my hiatus was longer than planned. Between my broken laptop, moving back into school and starting new classes, I HAD to put my blog to the side! I hope you all still love me AND want to save money? Yes? Okay then... Phew!
So today's post is not going to be as long or great as my others but I am transitioning.. don't hate!
Firstly, I wanted to stress the importance of signing up for emails from all of your favorite companies! Since my birthday is coming up (I'll be 21 on Sept. 29th!), I have been receiving TONS of emails with birthday offers, including free entrees and desserts to many chain restaurants (Ninety Nine, Chilis, Unos etc.), gift certificates ($5-$10) at clothing stores, as well as promo codes for free shipping and discounts. While these birthday freebies are just nice extras, I get emails every single day giving me offer codes and notifying me of sales and promotions. If you are one who tries to veer away from a full inbox, only sign up for stores that you really love, but if you don't mind some extra emails, it is a nice way to save money. Some sites that always seem to send emails full of codes/promos are Victoria's Secret, Piperlime, Cutesygirl, Uno's Chicago Bar and Grille, and Macy's. There are plenty others as well, so if you have any questions about the quality of emails that a company sends, ask me in the comments and I'll give you my opinion.
Another way that I get free stuff/coupons on the computer is through a little website called Teenfreeway.com. While some of the stuff is blah and other stuff is more directed toward teens (duhh.. its in the freakin' name!), this site provides TONS of freebies including everything from free magazine subscriptions to coupons for grocery shopping and clothing. This is such an awesome site for free stuff so I definitely recommend that you all sign up for their emails or just check the site from time to time.
Since I am writing this blog post instead of doing my homework, I am going to keep it short and sweet and leave you with some eye candy: these Steve Madden pumps (Ulltra in Blush) have been calling my name since May and I have been waiting for the exact moment to pounce since they have not come down from $70-80 since then. Finally, piperlime sent me an email with a 25%-off coupon code and I got these babies for $50 with free shipping!! These will match everything so they are sooo worth it!! Try not to get too jealous! ;)
Happy Saving!,